Good People Skilled in Violence

Real world - Practical - No Nonsense

Self defense is something that should be taken seriously. There is no magical solution or flashy moves that will save your life in a high stress situation. G.P.S.V is a no frills, no filler, no B.S workshop for people looking to develop real skills under high stress.

These classes are all lead by our head instructor, with over 20 years of martial arts experience and 7 years of weapons and fire arms training, Imanuel Rocha is a wealth of knowledge in regards to handling real violence when you are faced with it.

Be Prepared. Be Ready. Be Skilled in Violence.

Classes include physical combatives, fighting for weapon retention as well as using your firearm efficiently. There is no experience needed for any fundamental class, higher levels are progressive and meant to be taken following your first class.

These classes is ideal for anyone wanting more than eye pokes, mystical martial arts and fancy disarming techniques. Good People Skilled in Violence is about developing and maintaining an understanding of self defense versus larger attackers, armed attackers and multiple attackers. We will not be filling your head with non sense that will not work - these workshops are designed to give you your best chance at survival with no false hope and with whatever tools you have available in a high stress situation.


Fill out your GPSV waiver here!